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 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备 当前位置:网站首页 > 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备   
 产品型号:Macpi 234.00
 所属品牌:意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备
 浏览次数:3028 次
It represents the latest evolution for shoulders - sleeves and armholes fi nishing of any styles and sizes for men, women and child jackets and/or coats. This unique machine off ers the advantage to combine four operations in one single cycle reducing drastically the garment handling. The high
technological level and the perfect jacket positioning on the dummies, makes the use of 234 very convenient allowing high productive and qualitative performances. The two left and right pressing stations are indep ndently controlled reducing

machine down-time and it can be operator by one or two perators.
- INTERCHANGEABLE MODULAR SHAPES: body, shoulder, sleeve, sleeve expander, armhole creasing, shoulder roll device. This allows through quick and easy adjustments the possibility to use this unit for diff erent garment styles and sizes, without replacing the complete shape
- UPPER SHAPES: thanks to the revolutionary adjustment system (shapes movable in any direction) the pressing is perfectly orthogonal to the shoulder, granting high quality fi nishing. The upper shape movement is controlled by two cylinders: the fi rst for quick downward approaching and the second for pressing. Possibility to adjust the pressing pressure and the sponging height by electronic device.
- MOVABLE FLAPPER SCREEN for the front pressing of the sleeve. This improves the fi nishing quality and the sleeve position
- PATENTED “VACSTEAM” SYSTEM for quick exhaust of exceeding steam
- ELECTRONIC SAFETY HAND GUARD for operator’s safety.
- PRESSING PRESSURE selected among three values previously set by the operator 
- PROGRAMMING of the machine through the new Touch Screen programmer.

它代表了最新的肩膀进化 - 袖和袖孔网络连接nishing任何款式和尺寸的男人,女人和儿童夹克衫和/或大衣这种独特的机器关闭ERS的优势结合在一个单一的四则运算周期大幅减少服装处理技术水平和完善的外套上的定位假人,234使用非常方便允许生产和定性表演左右两个是独立控制的减少的停机时间,它可以是被一个或两个运营
- 可互换的模块化形状:身,肩,袖扩展,袖窿折痕,辊装置允许通过快速,容易调整使用本机不同的服装款式和尺寸,而无需更换完整的形状
- 上形状:由于调整系统的革命形状在任何方向上移动的按压是完全正交的肩膀,给予高品质的网络连接nishing 上部形状运动控制两缸第一快速向下接近,第二个调整按压压力海绵擦拭可能性电子设备高度
- 可动挡板前面压入套筒这提高了网络连接nishing质量和套管位置
- 专利的“VACSTEAM系统快速排超过蒸汽
- 电子安全护手操作人员的安全
- 以前选择的三个值加压压力由操作者设定
- 新的触摸屏机器通过编程程序员