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 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备 当前位置:网站首页 > 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备   
 产品型号:Macpi 507.8522
 所属品牌:意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备
 浏览次数:2159 次
Macpi carousel with specially designed pressing shapes suitable for fi nishing all types of medical and workwear clothing (such as Doctors long coats ,surgical shirts,vests and trousers also medical white coats and a variety of surgical gowns and covers. The pressing shapes have been designed to allow the maximum coverage of the article being presses at the same time enabling the operator to complete a quick positioning process between automatic pressing cycles.

MACPI旋转木马与特别设计的压 连接的nishing各类医疗和形状合适的 工作服(如医生的长大衣,手术 衬衫,背心和裤子医疗的白色外套和 各种手术衣和盖。 按压的形状已经被设计为允许 的文章的最大覆盖范围的被压在 同时使运营商完成快速 之间的定位过程中自动按 周期。