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 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备 当前位置:网站首页 > 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备   
 产品型号:Macpi 255
 所属品牌:意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备
 浏览次数:2712 次

Machine for the pressing of KNITTED GARMENT. Automatic feed of the garments by a conveyor belt, foreseen to press extra large sizes or the simultaneous pressing of two garments with short sleeves.
Composed by two sections:
1) garment preparation on a working plate (cm. 200 x 100), steam heated, steaming and with vacuum.
2) Pressing and drying on the pressing plate, steam heated, steaming and with vacuum. Pressing plate with pneumatic closing, steam heated and steaming with the possibility to stop the plate in the sponging position.
The machine is complete with:
- plate for garment preparation with adjustable height and inclination
- adjustable pressing pressure
- control by a programmable logic with video display TSM 16.20
- production counter
- fabric beater pad.

该机的迫切针织服装。 自动馈入该服装由传送带, 预见额外的大尺寸或同时按 按两件衣服袖子短。
1)服装准备的工作板(厘米200 ×100),蒸汽加热,蒸和真空。
2)按上压板,蒸汽和干燥 加热,汽蒸和真空。压板 气压关闭,蒸汽加热,蒸 停止在用海绵擦拭板的可能性 位置。
- 板高度可调的服装准备 和倾斜
- 按压力可调
- 控制与视频显示由可编程逻辑 TSM16.20
- 生产计数器
- 织物打手垫。