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 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备 当前位置:网站首页 > 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备   
 产品型号:Macpi 321
 所属品牌:意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备
 浏览次数:1755 次
Electropneumatic conditioner for trousers fi nishing without pleats, foreseen for adaption to sizing device for top and legs length.
Complete with:
- one steaming and air blowing working station
- top modelled shapes. The tension is exerted on the side top trousers.
- the foreseen set of shapes is the medium one (on request also the other shapes mentioned in the accessories can be fi tted on the machine)
- trouser leg tensioning device with adjustment suitable for both short or long trousers and babies shorts, too
- steam fl ow adjustment and steam over-heating
- front waistband-fl y locking
- adjustable and movable legs clamps
- hot air blowing by a powerful electric fan of 3 Kw
- pressure adjustment of legs clamps
- simple and complete control system of the machine by PLC and display
- production counter
电子气动调节器长裤连接的nishing 无褶,预计在适应分级设备 顶部和腿长度。
- 一个蒸,送风工位
- 顶部为蓝本的形状。的张力施加在 侧顶部的裤子。
- 预见的形状是中等(上 也要求中提到的其它形状 配件可以在机器上装有)
- 裤脚张紧装置调整 适用于或长或短的裤子和婴儿 短裤,太
- 蒸汽流调整和蒸汽过热
- 前腰带佛罗里达州Ÿ锁定
- 可调和可动腿夹
- 由一个强大的电风扇3千瓦的热空气吹
- 压力调节腿夹
- 简单而完整的控制系统的机器 由PLC和显示
- 生产计数器