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 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备 当前位置:网站首页 > 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备   
 产品型号:Macpi 533
 所属品牌:意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备
 浏览次数:1890 次
The closed (batch) processing method creates the most versatile fi nishing system, enabling the economic production of very long or short runs on a Quick Response basis. Furthermore through this system we can obtain the total control of any inside parameters; air (quantity, fl ow, temperature, direction speed) steam (quantity and quality, degree of humidity), and times, giving always the greatest quality results. Reduction of the overall dimensions and of mechanical parts subject to wear and tear are also granted by this kind of production . This means easy setup, easy maintenance and of course also less downtime and malfunctioning. The working cycle starts behind close doors and with stationary garments. The fl uids (steam and superheated air) are introduced with a forced circulation in both directions, allowing the garment to be treated eff ectively, reaching also the most inner fi bers. A located air fl ow allows cooling of the hanger in the most critical point, avoiding its deformation at high temperatures.

关闭(批)的处理方法创建 最通用的的连接的nishing系统,使经济 很长或短版印刷生产的快速 响应的基础。此外,通过这个系统,我们 能获得任何内部参数的完全控制; 数量,佛罗里达州OW,温度,方向的速度(空气)蒸汽 (数量和质量,湿度),和时间, 给质量的结果总是最大的。减少 的整体尺寸和机械零件 还授予这种磨损 生产。这意味着易于安装,易于维护 当然也减少停机时间和故障。 工作周期开始闭门 与固定的服装。佛罗里达州的UID(蒸汽和 过热空气)引入带有强制 在两个方向上流通,使服装 被视为EFF ectively,达到最内层的 连接的误码率。 A区的空气流让冷却的衣架 最关键的一点,避免在高温变形 温度。