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 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备 当前位置:网站首页 > 意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备   
 产品型号:Macpi 104.21.2183
 所属品牌:意大利 迈埤整烫系列设备
 浏览次数:2298 次
Modular vacuum table for open the edge seams. This shape has a set of corner device for single and double brest. It is available in diff erent
version, electric or steam heated shape. It can be connected to main vacuum source or it can supplied with built-in vacuum. The table has  to be supplied with seam busting iron model 034.

模块化真空打开的边缘接缝这种形状具有一组单,双布雷斯特角落设备它是在差异erent 版本,电或蒸汽加热的形状它可以连接到主真空源,或者它可以供给内置的真空该表有提供的破坏模型034